Ronny D'Hulster

Robin & Rudyard
A sacred journey
Hardback, 150 pages
5 full page illustrations by Culpeo S. Fox
Beautifully translated by Mark Stainforth
Eerste druk: January 2012
Tweede druk: January 2014
First English edition: November 2016
Following the loss of his father, thirteen-year old Robin has withdrawn into his own small and private world. His mother allows an otherworldly great-aunt, to arrange a soul journey for the boy to the mystical Pleiades, a star cluster of mythological significance sine ancient times.
Together with his guide, Rudyard the fox, he visits magical places and encounters a series of wise spirits offering new perspectives on many of life’s themes: love, loss, parental relationships, responsibility, self confidence and the mystery of his Two-Spirit identity.
In juxtaposition with the personal experiences come considerations of the (sadly deterio-rating) state of human society and the treats imposed by climate change on earth.
Ultimately, Robin’s developed habits and routines are shattered in a dynamic and powerful climax and he is able to use his learning to find a way forward. The question is left unresolved wether mankind will manage to do the same…
Robin & Rudyard is a modern fairy tale built up in multiple layers, and thus providing different levels of sense and meaning to younger and more mature readers respectively.
Through rich symbolism, mystical and Jungian psychological precepts, the reader is invited to join Robin on a parallel journey. The story of the two characters shows us how wisdom, love and forgiveness can perhaps transcend the present world.